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Merchant acquirer

Acquiring of payment transactions is defined in regulation 2 of the PSRs as “a payment service provided with a payment service provider contracting with a payee to accept and process payment transactions which result in a transfer of funds to the payee.” This includes traditional ‘merchant acquiring’ services enabling suppliers of goods, services, accommodation or facilities to be paid for purchases arising from card scheme transactions.


Creating new digital coins or tokens on a blockchain network.

Money Market Funds (MMFs)

MMFs are a type of open-ended investment fund used in many jurisdictions, that gives investors a way to diversify credit risk and a place to hold rather than grow their assets.

Multi-party computation (MPC)

Multi-party computation is a cryptographic method used to increase the security of asset storage and transactions on the blockchain. It works by securely distributing the private data required to validate transactions in such a way that the data held by one user is kept secret to the other users taking part in the protocol.